Studies on nucleolus organizer regions in several species of carp ( cyprinus) by silver-staining 几种鲤鱼染色体核仁组织者的银染观察
Silver staining nucleolus organizer regine ( Ag-NOR) and evolutionary relationships in the breeds of domestic pigs 银染核仁组成区(Ag-NOR)与家猪品种的起源进化
Observations on the Nucleolus Organizer of Metaphase Chromosomes Activity of Ag-NORs in Chorionic Villus 绒毛染色体核仁形成区的观察
A comparative study on the nucleolus organizer regions in chromosomes of eleven species of primates 十一种灵长类染色体核仁组织者(N0Rs)的比较研究
The results of silver-staining indicate that the regions of secondary constrictions are nucleolus organizer regions ( Ag-NORs), and it is shown that there are quantitative and structural polymorphism of Ag-NORs in the species. 银染结果显示次缢痕部位为银集核仁组织者区(Ag-Nu-cleolusorganizerregion,Ag-NORs),并表现出数目和结构多态性。
Study on Giemsa g, C-banding and silver-stained nucleolus organizer regions in Fengjing pig 枫泾猪G带、C带及银染核仁组织区(NOR)的研究
The nucleolus organizer regions ( NORs) of acrocentric chromosomes in 30 normal Mongolian and 30 normal Hans were examined by Ag-staining technique. 本文采用银染核仁形成区(Ag-NORs)的技术。
Observation on nucleolus organizer regions in north-eastern sika deer ( cervus Nippon hortulorum) somatic cells by silver staining 东北梅花鹿染色体核仁组成区的银染观察
A study on silver staining nucleolus organizer regions ( ag-nor) in Taihu pigs 太湖猪银染核仁组成区的研究
The relationship between the prognosis of retinoblastoma and proliferating cell nuclear antigen and argyrophilic protein at nucleolus organizer regions 增殖细胞核抗原及核仁组成区嗜银蛋白与视网膜母细胞瘤预后的关系
The effect of extracts of Alternaria alternata on nucleolus organizer region and cell proliferating cycle of lymphocytes 互隔交链孢霉提取物对淋巴细胞核仁形成区及细胞增殖周期的影响
The Correlation Between CT Features and Cell Nucleolus Organizer Region of lymph Nodes Metastasis of lung Cancer 肺癌淋巴结转移的CT表现与细胞核仁组成区关系
The Distribution of the Number of the Nucleolus Organizer Regions ( NORs) in the Cultivated Rices 水稻栽培品种的核仁组成区数目的分布
Studies on Silver-stained Nucleolus Organizer Regions in Human Twins 人类双生子的银染核仁形成区的研究
Argyrophil method for nucleolus organizer region ( Ag-NOR) showed the Ag-NOR numbers in nucleus also significantly decreased. 银染核仁组织者区(Ag-NOR)显示细胞核内Ag-NOR计数亦明显下降。
Previous work show that prenucleolar bodies could be found in these nuclei, but they are unable to fuse with each other, probably due to the absence of a functional nucleolus organizer. 前人的工作表明在重建核中具有核仁前体结构。但可能是由于缺少活性核仁组织者的缘故,这些核仁前体不能相互融合形成新生核仁。
Morphological characteristics, the distributions of G-and C-bands and the location of nucleolus organizer regions ( NORs) of the tumor chromosomes were described in detail. 文中着重描述了ARS染色体的形态学特征,G带和C带分布以及核仁组织者区(NORs)的定位。